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This width 1¼" is the most common size for suit trousers, but of course can also be used for jeans or as dress belt.

All of our tooled belts are made from 3.2-3.6mm hide, naturally tanned using traditional tanning methods. The belts are all individually hand tooled, which gives a clear and long lasting design.

Up to 8 different tools can be used in any one belt. With over a 100 stamping tools in the workshop, we produce an extremely wide range of hand tooled belts. Every belt that uses more than 1 tool in the design contains a deliberate mistake to authenticate its individuality; a signature.


The final look is obtain by adding our own mixture of sealant/finisher (magic potion!) which enhances the tooling and brings out the natural grain of the leather.


All belts receive a coat of leather dressing before leaving the workshop.


Black Belt Hand Tooled, 1¼" wide, BT12-111

Only 1 left in stock

All belts receive a coat of leather dressing before leaving the workshop, it is good for the leather to keep nourishing it with Ko Cho Line or Saddle Soap every few month. You can find these product in any equestrian shops.




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